About 20 years ago I came to the realisation that real wealth is discretionary time. I felt like a hostage when I had a 9 to 5 job which was never 9 to 5. In fact the culture was often for the boss to be the first in and the last out the office. 12 years ago I began my own consulting business and found I was travelling too much, working evenings, convincing myself that this is what self-employed people do. One of my close friends then reminded me that I was now working for the hardest line manager I have ever had! Many people who are refugees from large companies and have gone out on their own have experienced this.  The “boss” is possessed with an inappropriate work ethic and we need to change his or her perspective!

I came to the realisation that I wasn’t happy and focused on doing something about it.  Being able to decide when, where and what you want to do is wealth. Taking back control of your destiny and believing you have a choice is key. Money is merely a fuel to get us through life.

Do you grant yourself discretionary time, or do you equate hard work with success (which is ludicrous, because smart work leads to success)? Do you build in decompression time between appointments and meetings; if you don’t it will lead to stress. We all need time each day to deal with the chaos on our lives; we don’t know who next will phone or email us or when one of our colleagues, family members or friends will have a ‘wobbly’ that will require our support and help.

Allow yourself time to pursue your hobbies and interests without guilt or shame. These are your battery rechargers and even the biggest batteries eventually discharge and need topping up. How are you managing yours? Giving yourself permission to do what you want to do will energise you and make you even better at your calling.